Eurogamer Expo….the aftermath

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Last week was the Eurogamer Expo in London town. I was supposed to cover a few days but due to a manly injury (whatever that is) I could only attend the final day. Not a lot came out of this expo in terms of gaming news. However what did come out was the release date of Star Wars: The Old Republic being mid December. As someone looking forward to this game I was pretty excited about this and it looks like I will be glued to my PC come Christmas.

The show seemed a lot bigger this year with all the major publishers and the smaller ones having a good showing of their latests titles.

Even on the last days the line to play some games was immense especially for the aforementioned Star Wars title. I got to play a few titles such as FF13-2, Counter Strike, Dark Souls and Ghost Recon.

The major highlight for me was getting to play the PS Vita (and skipping that long queue) . IM SOLD on that console. The screen needs to be seen to be believed it puts my 3DS to shame. Photos make the console look huge but it felt just right and I was surprised as to how light it feels.

I got to play Wipeout and Uncharted on the Vita and both titles played and looked amazing. I love handhelds maybe more so than consoles so this is defiantly on my list. Too bad I broke my PS Vita though, it got a black screen during play and refused to turn on. The poor thing must have been played for 4 days straight so it was probably knackered.

Another highlight was Battlefield 3. I played the PS3 version and gleefully it was multi-player. The game played great, I had no idea what was going on in the match though and was simply exploring how huge the map was.  Me and my friends experienced a fair few glitches though and once again I broke something as my play through consisted mainly of staring at a blue screen and had to restart the console. But we still have sometime for the game to come out so these should be ironed out.

On another note the line for MW3 wasn’t anywhere near as long as the one for Battlefield, say what you will about that.

Overall the vibe was great, there were gamers of all ages in the show and there were titles for pretty much everybody from Mario Kart 7 to Rage. I had a great time and wish I could have gone to more days to play more titles

PS – Maybe it’s due to the fact that it was in an air conditioned arena but the smells were tolerable. The BO police didn’t need to turn up to this one.




Posted by Myke – Supreme, unchallenged and unadulterated overlord of this slice of interwebs.

Categorised under EA, Event, Gaming, Microsoft, Nintendo, Sony
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