About me
Awwww (im still this cute)
Were do I begin. First i’l start with hello maybe? My names Mike and “I Like Teh Video Games” as a wise man once said.
I created this blog in 2011, mainly due to graduate boredom, but also to let an industry I love read (and probably ignore) my thoughts. Well I wasn’t ignored and this blog got a 2012 Games Media Award nomination,Yay
Been a gamer since the SNES/Megadrive era and invest my time in a varied amount of gaming genres. From Pokemon to COD I love it all and just like you I also hope one day for a Pokemon FPS.
I live in London town and graduated with a BSc Degree in Digital Media (2011) with a 2:1 and am currently working at Sony in London, which is good fun!
At Sony (SCEE) I do work on the PlayStation Store for Europe, Australia and New Zealand. As a gamer it was a dream come true getting this job and fingers crossed it will allow me to progress in the industry.
Now for the juicy bit. I do most of my gaming on my PS3 (Slim 320gb), I have a neglected Xbox360 (Slim 250gb). I own a sweet gaming PC and Laptop but I rarely use them for gaming due to “meh”
Portable gaming I own a much lovedVita and a PSP which has lived in my draw for a few years now, a DS Lite , 3DS and a yummy Vita.
Finally I write for a sexy website called 7-bit Arcade. I get to write articles and do reviews. Check out my articles here.
Hope you enjoy my blog and if you want to get in contact with me for any reason just click here.