Female Shepard We Luff You
a href=”https://weseeinpixels.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/FemShep.jpg”>
Usually females in video games are portrayed as either damsels in distresses or whores or both. Of course i’m generalizing and this would become an incredibly long post if I was to go through all that’s wrong with girls in gaming.
One beacon of hope which can have a player controlling a strong female character whos opnions and actions change its universe is Mass Effect. It’s not a secret that i’m a Mass Effect junkie (Iv completed Mass Effect 2 on all 3 platforms).
Imagine my surprise logging into Facebook to see the Mass Effect page giving the fans an opportunity to vote in choosing which female Shepard should be used in some promotional material for Mass Effect 3. This is done simply by liking the one you prefer.
This is a great idea and further goes to prove why I love Bioware so much, rarely do fans get to decide on something which will effect the promotion of a game.
I like the black emo lady Shepard (top right) but as of writing the moody blonde (top left) is in the lead and is looking to win. Wouldn’t bother me too much as to be honest they all look cool.
Good job guys