My first week…..
My lack of blog updates isn’t due to me playing all of the awesome games that I have come out these past few weeks, its because I FINALLY have a new job. Yup I’m off the unemployed graduate list and will now have the monies to buy all these awesome games, but ironically not the time to play them as much
I was surprised to get this job and was told I got the job over the phone while in Game handing the cash over for Uncharted 3, quite creepy huh? The job entails me working the PlayStation Store, its nothing too complex and is a matter of getting content from publishers/developers and placing them on the store. With some QA thrown into the mix to check if the content works and is displayed correctly.
My Desk!
As it’s my first “proper” job after Uni I was quite scared about starting and I began on what was an unusually busy/stressful week for the team. But even so I got a warm welcome and introductions and the training was awesome. (shit loads to learn though)
Sony don’t mess about I was put in charge of some content early on to go on the store in last Wednesday updates. Sure there was pressure but I overcame the few mistakes I made, it was mainly “easy” stuff I had to place on the store though like avatars
Wednesday is usually PSN store update day so as expected it was quite manic trying to get things done. Actually seeing content you had worked on appearing on the store was pretty amazing and its good to see the fruits of your labour appear on-line!
What wasn’t amazing was people simply Trolling the PlayStation blog update posts. It’s just amazing how harsh people are and the plain rudeness that on-line anonymity brings. Simply put they are dickheads with nothing better to do.
So its so far so good with Sony and fingers crossed it will stay that way. Seen a few secret things which I wish I could share, but its safe to say the Sony has big plans for the future and your all in for a treat.
Even with all this going with me , I have managed to squeeze in a decent amount of gaming time so expect a few posts on how I’m getting on with some of the amazing titles which have been released as of late.
Until next time!