
Archives: PS4

Infamous: Second Son – My best shots.

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It took me a while (mostly due to real life) but I FINALLY completed infamous: Second Son! For me personally, it didn’t quite hit the heights of the previous instalments, but it was a great first attempt on new hardware by Sucker Punch. Most of the attention for the title has focused on the stunning […]

My favourite CGI/Announcement trailers!

My favourite CGI/Announcement trailers!

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The recent Batman: Arkham Knight Announcement trailer got gamers, comic book fans and nerds in general screaming like One Direction fans. No doubt that’s the aim of announcement trailers, to get us hyped and wanting more info about the title. It got me thinking, what other trailers have got me as excited as I was […]

PlayStation 4: A year on

PlayStation 4: A year on

It was one year today (February 20th 2013) that the PlayStation 4 was unveiled at a Sony Press Conference in the US. And ever since that day, the console has changed the face of gaming as we know it. It’s certainly been an interesting year, so thought I’d do a run down of the last […]

What other titles deserve the “Super HD” treatment?

Hiiiiii. It’s the weekend! And that brings with it new games (well in the UK anyway). The big release this week is Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition for PS4 and Xbox One. It’s a trend which I hope doesn’t become the norm, as most of us purchased a shiny new console for new games specifically and […]

Titles which should return to their roots…

This week IO Interactive fell on their sword a bit, with an open letter sent out to its fans and the industry. The letter pretty much explained that the next Hitman title would return to “core Hitman fantasy” and they have certainly learnt a lesson from the last title in the series, Hitman: Absolution. With […]

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