
Archives: Konami

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Titles which should return to their roots…

This week IO Interactive fell on their sword a bit, with an open letter sent out to its fans and the industry. The letter pretty much explained that the next Hitman title would return to “core Hitman fantasy” and they have certainly learnt a lesson from the last title in the series, Hitman: Absolution. With […]

Metal Gear Rising Revengeace, the Uniqlo Collection.

Metal Gear Rising Revengeace, the Uniqlo Collection.

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Uniqlo is a store that’s close to my heart for one reason. The awesome gaming and anime clothes they release pretty much every year. This year they are kicking off the good stuff with some Metal Gear Rising Revengeace themed awesomeness. Now I must admit, sometimes the game t-shirts they release can be hit or miss. […]

Look it’s Liquid(s) Snake!

Look it’s Liquid(s) Snake!

2012 marks the 25th anniversary of Metal Gear Solid. This of course could be celebrated with a drink or two. But the guys at Loading Bar decided to take this a bit further… Not sure how the team at ‘Loading Bar’, one of England’s only licensed gaming venues, find the time to actually PLAY games, but I’m almost […]

A Solid Weekend Ahead

A Solid Weekend Ahead

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After last weeks amazing guest post. Anything I post after it would simply look lame in comparison. But here we go anyway! As you probably already know, MGS HD collection is out this Friday! I am a HUGE fan of the franchise and to be able to go back and play these classics in HD […]

Why all the hate?

Why all the hate?

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So this is the trailer which appears to not only be destroying the character of Raiden but the Metal Gear franchise itself for some. I loved Bayonetta and Vanquish, both fast and frantic action games that weren’t afraid to be different. Hearing that Platinum Games are now at the helm of this title personally filled […]

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