Happy FIFA day! The time of year when we look in disgust at that out of date copy. And finish every match in a draw as “they changed the shooting too much!”
The gaming calender has officially started! We all know that when FIFA drops, it’s the start of super hot titles dropping nearly every week until Christmas 😀
FIFA 12 for me was a solid update, it did what it needed to do as FIFA 11 in some aspects wasn’t so great. FIFA 13 however feels like an actual refresh of the franchise, I can’t quite explain it, but it “feels” so much different. It took me about 3 or 4 games just to pass semi correctly and I still haven’t figured out the shoot mechanics. I do miss Wayne Rooneys big mug on the box though
I was also lucky enough to get the PS Vita version about a month or so ago. It isn’t that much of a change from the FIFA football title the dropped on the handheld earlier this year but overall it is still a lot of fun and it’s deep management mode will keep me entertained for many an hour.
Back to the console version though, I really cannot stress just how much it has changed. I cannot say if its for the better just yet though, give me a month or so when I can actually play it well.
The juggernaut that is FIFA ultimate team is ofcourse back this year and I can already tell it will once again suck me in.
Keeping this post short and sweet as I’m poorly and ironically want to play more FIFA 13, so Ciao for now.
Oh yea I’m at Eurogamer on Saturday aswell, look out for me and tweet me if you’re there also, I don’t bite 😛