Why have most sci-fi movies stopped imagining the future?
Jul, 30 2023

Why have most sci-fi movies stopped imagining the future?

Buckle up, space cadets, we're blasting off into the curious world of sci-fi movies! Have you noticed that our beloved future-gazing genre seems to have taken a detour from imaginative future predictions? It's like the cinematic crystal balls have been stored away! Many believe this shift is due to filmmakers focusing more on the present, using the lens of sci-fi to tackle current societal issues. So, while we might not be seeing hoverboards and aliens as much, we're getting a hefty dose of reality through our star-studded adventures. Quite the plot twist, isn't it?

Jul, 25 2023

Can I watch movies-on-demand with Dish TV DTH?

Yes, you can definitely watch movies-on-demand with Dish TV DTH. It's a fantastic feature that allows you to select and watch your preferred movies at your convenience. All you need is a good internet connection and an active subscription. You can easily navigate through a wide variety of movie genres and make your choice. So, grab some popcorn, sit back, and enjoy your favorite movies anytime with Dish TV DTH.

What are some of the small, themed film festivals in the US?
Jul, 22 2023

What are some of the small, themed film festivals in the US?

In the US, we've got a ton of small, themed film festivals that are an absolute joy to attend. For starters, there's the Lovecraft Film Festival in Oregon, which caters to the fans of horror and weird fiction. Then we have the Cat Film Festival in New York, an absolute treat for feline enthusiasts. The Noir City Film Festival in San Francisco is perfect for those who enjoy classic film noir. Additionally, the True/False Film Festival in Missouri is a must-visit for documentary lovers.

Is it weird I'm not into Martin Scorsese?
Jul, 19 2023

Is it weird I'm not into Martin Scorsese?

I've been pondering over something that seems to be a bit unconventional - I'm just not that into Martin Scorsese's films. It's not that I don't appreciate his talent or the impact he's had on cinema, it just doesn't resonate with me. His style, themes, and narrative choices simply don't capture my interest. It feels a bit odd, considering his legendary status in the film world. But hey, not every piece of art is for everyone, right?